- Soodus!
- −30%
Bold & the Beautiful kast sisaldab ainult "suuri õllesid" ABV 10,5%-21,9%
Pimedaim tund enne koitu, Maple and tonka bean stout BA 10,5%
Rye SK! Ryewine Bourbon BA 10,5%
Ööloom Imp. Stout Braggot Mezcal BA 12% Collab. Nöösker Meadery
Heaven Hell Barleywine Bourbon BA 14%
Saatana Magustoit Sweet Stout Bourbon BA 15%
Sadness Imp. Brown ale Sherry BA 15,5%
Old Sneaky Old ale Rum BA 16%
Singularity Imp. Stout Bourbon BA 18%
European Pale ale Sauternes BA 18,5% collab. Smedsbo Slott
I am What I am Belgian Very strong ale BA 20%
Cantognake Imp Stout Buffalo Trace BA 21%
My Heart´s in the Highlands Singel malt peated ale Laphroaig BA 21,9%
Allergeenid: oder, nisu, rukis